Introducing CareChat:
The Ultimate Online Chat Solutions for UK Care Homes

Turns more of your website visitors into new enquiries and new residents

Is this happening on your website right now?

John's son arrives on your website looking for care for his elderly father. He likes your home, but he's worried about the cost. Can he afford it?
He searches but can't find any information. Frustrated, he clicks the back button and moves on to the next website - your main rival.

John also likes your competitor's website, but he still can't find any prices. So, he clicks on the online chat. After chatting with the operator he gets the information and reassurance he needs. The operator is polite and professional, takes John's details, and asks him if he'd like to arrange a visit to look around the home. He would, so a visit is arranged for the day after tomorrow.  

You're now a long distant memory...

Don't you wish you had live online chat on your website?

The problem with Live Chat for care homes

Up to now, if you wanted live chat on your care home website you had two options.

  • Handle all the chats yourself. This is just not feasible in a busy care home where staff are already stretched. You simply don't have the time.

  • Hire a concierge agency to all handle the chats for you. This is better. However, agency staff don't know your care home well enough to answer anything beyond basic questions. So they end up taking contact details and passing the enquiry on to you for you to follow up later.

    This is frustrating for the person seeking the answer and a lost opportunity for you as they may go elsewhere before you can get hold of them

How CareChat Live solves both these problems

  • Our team handle the initial chat for you. We answer the chat, find out what the persons wants and take their contact details.

  • We pass enquiries chats on to you so you can continue. If the chat is for a person interested in a place in the home, we'll then pass it to the care home for you to continue it there and then.  We do this by texting a link to the designated members of your team . They click on the link and can then take over the chat. We also send an email so you can take over on your computer or tablet, if you'd prefer. 

    Don't worry, this only happens during the normal working day so your team will never have to deal with out of hours requests.

  • You book a viewing of the care home! At the end of chat you can arrange the next step there and then. You simply say "The next step is to come and take a look around the care home. Are you free next Tuesday or would Thursday be better." 



Our revolutionary new Chatbot talks like a human and knows (almost) everything about your care home. Click here now to find out more

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